My Eats | Summer-Time

How is it possible that my favorite season is nearly over? I haven’t had much time to enjoy the hot, humid weather that brings me childhood nostalgia. The sweet memories of consuming shameful amounts of perfectly ripe watermelon, eating grilled sweet corn on the cob to my heart’s content or waiting impatiently for the sound of the ice cream trucks. The childhood memories of those long summer days soaking in the sun without care in the world. There are six weeks left in the season and I barely felt its warm breeze or had a chance to listen to the beautiful rhythm of the Pacific Ocean waves crashing against the shore. I didn’t go to the Farmers Market! I didn’t make my grandmother’s corn soup recipe. I didn’t bake summer fruit pies as I had planned. I didn’t have a weekend getaway.

Every year, I get surprised at how fast time flies specially in the summer. My long summer to-do list only just started and here I am already getting my son prepared for his first day in high school. I wanted to go to the beach a few times this year. I wanted to explore the city and see the vast culture it has to offer. I would have loved to walk around the marketplace on Olvera Street while sipping on cold horchata and savoring delicious tacos. I wanted to brunch at the famous Smorgasburg one Sunday this summer and pick up a used vinyl of Miles Davis or Billie Holiday at the flea market at ROW DTLA. I wanted to see the special exhibition of Mickalene Thomas’ works and the Jean-Michel Basquiat installation at The Broad. I think going to one of The Getty Center’s summer concert series, Off the 405, would have been a wonderful experience. And there were the happy hours and date nights we planned but sadly didn’t happen.

With busy time at work and other things that happen in life, the season I looked forward to being more spontaneous and adventurous was over in a flash. My son, Max, spent a couple of weeks at my mom’s house as he has done every summer in the last 10 years. My nieces are now in their teens and this year could be the last summer that they would spend together at my mom’s place. Max started working at the summer camp as a volunteer this year and he plans to do it again next year. I am sure my nieces will be working next summer too. And with my mom planning her retirement in the Philippines starting this winter, there is a possibility that the summer vacations the kids have shared every year since they were toddlers are about to end. Just like that, the kids have grown up. So, it’s no surprise that the speed of how moments in my life go by scares me. I still can’t believe that my son started high school this week! Everything is happening so fast.

Without a sound or warning, time steals tiny moments of opportunities from me. The time to see a little more, to love a little more, to realize something is special, to get and give one more hug, to feel sadness, to celebrate victories, to acknowledge pain, to get more rest, to create, to think, to process, to have clarity, to be better. Time has always been my adversary, and at year 52, I still haven’t figured out how to defeat it. I am not doing enough with my time. But I also feel that I don’t have enough time to do all the things that I want and need to do. And still there are those days when what I need is simply to do nothing with my time.

I need to accept time as time is and be in it as much as I can. It is fleeting but it’s not a race and I am not here to beat it. Time will continue to keep its speed, but I can journey at my own pace and do my best to be in the moment no matter how brief.

I took a week off from work last week to take care of some things at home. I scheduled several doctor’s appointments for my son, my husband, and myself. These are annual doctor’s visits and other specialty consultations that I had been putting off in the last two years. I also spent the week with my son doing back-to-school shopping, lunches, and just hanging out. It was a busy week but very productive and something I truly needed.

As a family, we went to a couple of Thai Food Markets in our area and in Hollywood. We’ve always liked Thai food, but these night markets are vital in our lives now. It has become a weekend ritual. Instead of brunch, we do the Thai market! Somehow, the experience and even the flavors at these markets are different from the regular Thai restaurants we go to. There is also a feeling of excitement by being in a different place among people who also seek new explorations in food. I had a delicious oyster and mussel omelet. The papaya salad was quite authentic and different in taste from each of the food stalls. And the noodles, all kinds…stir-fried or in broth were all so flavorful. But best of all, the family time is always the highlight of these occasions. My husband said that Max will remember these times we spend trying out new things as a family. I do hope so. I hope these moments spent together during his teens could become part of his core memories…the joyful ones that would bring him back to light when he finds himself in the dark.

The two Thai Markets we frequently visited are in Hollywood and San Fernando Valley.

Siam Night Market

Wat Thai Food Court at Wat Thai Temple in Sun Valley

To celebrate summer and to take advantage of the sunny time left in the season, I am sharing with you a recipe featuring heirloom tomatoes. Tomatoes have always been a favorite of mine. Heirloom tomatoes during its peak is the best. I still remember my first bite of heirloom tomato many moons ago when I was still a cook. My chef brought back some local heirloom tomatoes from the Santa Monica Farmers Market. The beautiful imperfections of the tomatoes fascinated me. She sliced an impeccably ripened heirloom tomato, seasoned it lightly with sea salt and had me taste it. I was surprised at the absolute balance of sweet and tangy packed in one small bite. The texture of the flesh was perfect. For the next slice she placed a small dollop of local burrata on top and just a touch of aged balsamic vinegar and sea salt. I was speechless and amazed. Four ingredients and an entire world of flavor!

My adventurous and spontaneous season will have to be extended until the colder months. I will be adventuring in sweater and boots instead of t-shirt and flipflops!

I hope that you may always be in motion and time be always on your side. I hope you get to make this recipe and eat with someone who is worthy of your TIME. Bon Appétit!

Chicken Shawarma with Heirloom Tomato Salad, Hummus, and Whipped Feta